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About Us

Winsorpilates is your hub for Pilates merchandise and articles related to the physical fitness system. Inspired by the legacy of the great Mari Winsor, the American fitness instructor who helped popularize Pilates among interested folks, we made it our mission to help those who seek to lead a healthier life and shape their bodies, striving for perfection.

Our team is composed of long-time Pilates practitioners who give on-par input regarding workouts and follow the principles of on which the workout is based. Through Pilates, we found help with alleviating lower back pain and muscle conditioning, among other issues, and it was the positive results of the workout that determined us to team up and put together this website.

Our personal experience with practicing Pilates helps us choose the right equipment for your workout sessions as we know first-hand what a quality product should look and feel like. Aside from our past experiences, our recommendations come as a result of thorough research.

We take time and analyze all products found in our tops, go through user feedback, and when possible even consult experts on their opinions as well. When putting together rankings, customer opinion is the factor that we put an accent on most as we consider the opinions of buyers who have invested time and money in their acquisitions to be the most truthful evaluations regarding performance and limitations.

At Winsorpilates, we encourage communication, so feel free to contact us and ask any questions about the technique of Winsor Pilates or products that you are interested in and found on our website. We will respond to any inquiry you have as promptly as possible. Suggestions regarding other topics that interest you and you have not found on the website are welcome as well.